Last week, Halifax reported that the average house price was £285,932, down 2.6%.
This is partly a market correction. Housing policy has focused on the needs of homeowners and on debt to fund new supply for a long time. With higher interest rates, price growth is being corrected.
However, describing a shift in the market affecting millions of people as a ‘market correction’ misses the point.
We need to look beyond aggregated national houses prices at a point in time and consider the environmental and social realities and implications, in the same way as professional investors are increasingly required by regulations to monitor and report on their Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) credentials, which in turn affect prices and values.
To meet Net Zero 2050, we must retrofit (improve the energy efficiency of existing buildings) one home every two minutes.
To save ‘Generation Rent’ from homelessness, we need to stem the impacts of an exodus of traditional landlords by allocating professional capital to existing Private Rental Sector homes.
The price of homes that are not upgraded will fall relative to others, in particular in the rental market. House prices must be understood in this context... Homes which can be, and are rented out will be more valuable than low quality, low energy efficiency homes no longer considered fit for use under the planned Decent Homes Standard and Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards.
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